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Black Tin Can Scented Aromatic Candles Wooden Wick Candle Jars with Lid Classic Home Decorative Candles Dried Flower

Black Tin Can Scented Aromatic Candles Wooden Wick Candle Jars with Lid Classic Home Decorative Candles Dried Flower

Regular price $15.02 USD
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Material: Soy Wax

Size: 8*5.5cm

Weight: 200g

Buring time: 16 hours/pc

Flavor: Pomegranate,Amber,Wood

We use premium essential oils to infuse our soy wax to fill your space with aromatic scents.
I's gorgeous, resealable glass jar keeps out dust and helps the scent last even longer.
The exquisite vessel goes well with varied home decors,making this candle an ideal gift set for birthday, celebration,housewarming, seasonal greeting and any other special occasions to convey blessings.

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